David Dwyer

David Dwyer Profile Photo

Managing Director

How important is your online presence to the success of your company?

Would you appreciate a straight forward approach to the definition, design and creation of a Website that's set up to provide a positive impact on visitors browsing the WWW for your services?

I am passionate about quality of service, fair process and ongoing learning.

Our Digital Marketing services make full use of our knowledge of digital platforms, marketing and data to support clients in highly diverse sectors grow and adapt.


An experienced public speaker who takes delight in speaking engagements at Universities, Colleges and other educational institutions - invitations welcomed 07776 410777

If you'd like to connect with me it would be great to know you've read my Bio, happy to connect if you mention "mushroom" in your invitation to connect request.

Let’s start a conversation: https://calendly.com/digital-presence-consult/15min