Techcess Technology Podcast episode 53: SOGEA and the future of UK telephony (See show notes for lower bandwidth version)

SoGEA. So what?

mark from m3 Networks talks you through the telecoms changes you need to know

What is SoGEA? 

Well, that is just one of the many questions Mark from m3 Networks answers in this episode of the Techcess technology podcast.

Here's a quick spoiler - it stands for "Single Order Generic Ethernet Access"

If you enjoyed our previous telephony themed episode all about VoIP -

(this one:

then you'll definitely get a kick out of this one as it takes us way more in depth on the telecoms changes that are coming as part of the big switch off, gearing up towards Digital Britain in 2025.

In fact, if you've been trying to get your boss to switch over to VoIP, then this is the episode to get him to listen to!

SoGEA - a great option for any business that wants to stay ahead of the inevitable telecoms PSTN switch off

As Mark explains, the big switch off is definitely happening, no matter what.

The only variable is what your business plans for anticipating it.

In this episode you'll learn:

  • What is SoGEA?
  • Why are we talking about SoGEA now?
  • BT are going to stop selling the known products
  • What kind of speeds can you get with SoGEA?
  • Have you already made the switch to SoGEA?
  • What to do if you want to learn more about SoGEA! 

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Episode transcript preview

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Here's a very quick sneak preview of that transcript of episode 53

"Welcome to the Techcess Podcast. Now, in today's episode, I'm going to be telling you everything that you need to know about SoGEA. Now, SoGEA or S.O.G.E.A, is a new technology that has come into the telecoms market. Now, I always promise here in the show to never talk about technical stuff or use a lot of acronyms and try and make everything that I talk about easily and accessible for everyone to understand.


What does SoGEA stand for?

So, first of all, what does SoGEA even stand for? Right? So let's get the acronym out of the way. So it stands for Single Order Generic Ethernet Access. And basically what it is, it's a new way of providing broadband access to homes and businesses. Now, typically in the past, you have ordered a line and then had broadband enabled on that line, so there would have been a normal voice phone line and then broadband would be added onto it. But of course, over the years, as more people have relied on VoIP and the use of mobiles even in business, the use of a landline number that's on that broadband circuit has faded away. So nowadays, so many people just have broadband just for internet access. Like, for example, here at home, we have a typical broadband line with fibre to the cabinet service, but we have a line with that service enabled on it, right? And there's a phone number, but we never use that phone number. In fact, we don't even have a telephone plugged into it. We all just rely on our mobile phones. And of course, that's probably the same for you and for other people that, you know, that we just rely on mobile technology instead of using a landline telephone nowadays. So the whole idea behind this is to have a much simpler and easier and more efficient way for you to get hold of a fast internet connection.

Why are we talking about SoGEA now?

So why now? Why are we talking about this now? And what is the main reasons and driving forces behind moving to this new technology? Well, it's all to do with the big PSTN switch off, which is coming in 2025 as part of Digital Britain. And basically what's going to happen is the existing PSTN, and sorry to throw another acronym in today's episode, but it stands for the Public Switched Telephone Network. And this was the original BT network, made up of traditional copper wire telephone systems, and it was designed for analogue voice communications. Okay? And something called ISDN, which a lot of you businesses out there might have ISDN lines that are still powered in your phone systems on premise, was, you know, introduced back in the 1980s and a digital version of the analogue phone line, which allowed the transfer of voice and data over the existing copper lines. So some of the questions that people might have and some of the conversations I'm having a lot at the moment with businesses is about preparing for this switch off. And some of the questions that people have are things like when will my landline be switched off? And basically at the end of December 2025, your existing PSTN lines, or if it's just an existing man line like that, will be switched off along with all the other fixed lines which include the broadband. And this one will be no longer available."

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Mark Riddell's technology podcast "Techcess" is an m3 Networks production. Mark and the team have created this podcast to help you and their clients understand how technology can help them in their industry and business, including helping them with cyber security solutions. To find out more about Mark Riddell and the rest of the m3 team, visit them here and follow them on Linkedin.

If you want to get in touch about technology or cyber security, just address an email directly at Mark here. He'll be very happy to hear from you.

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Techcess is a podcast from m3 Networks

Transcript provided by Podknows Podcasting